These eyes and this memory have a strange relationship and by that I mean, sometimes they make an effort to meet each other half way, other times they don't operate with the same goal in mind, but this time they do. This mind remembers you. The eyes did him a favor which it normally wouldn't do. The mind was wondering what the eyes were telling him, the mind then shifted to question if it was imagining. It was a blessing to both of them. The mind gave birth to hope again... (sigh) A queen.... I don't know if you know this but the eyes noticed the brown skin being a striking element adding to the beauty that God intentionally drew. The eyes immediately knew it was seeing something special. Specific style, you had that thing too... a classy element, and that smile told the eyes that you were heaven sent. The aura that you carried was heavy, the eyes immediately processed that the character in front of him was very powerful. The hour will come when it becomes a reality, becau